I don’t think there is a single person that doesn’t love a break from school. On paper doing virtual/online school sounds amazing, because you never have to physically attend class. In reality, it can be a huge pain for you, and your instructors. About only a month into my time during the online school year, I started to realize was that I was missing actual in-person school. I started to miss being able to see my friends everyday, and missed having a strict set schedule. I started to realize that without any supervision from a teacher the work seemed less important. I wasn’t one of them, but many students would log into the meetings, and then just walk away from their computer/device. Less and less students got assignments turned in, and more students started to slack on work. I’m glad I was able to stay in a good working ethic, and never slack on my assignments. When I finally got back to in-person school, it took a bit of adjusting, but eventually I got used to the system again, and never regretted going back.