I don’t think there is a single person that doesn’t love a break from school. On paper doing virtual/online school sounds amazing, because you never have to physically attend class. In reality, it can be a huge pain for you, and your instructors. About only a month into my time during the online school year, I started to realize was that I was missing actual in-person school. I started to miss being able to see my friends everyday, and missed having a strict set schedule. I started to realize that without any supervision from a teacher the work seemed less important. I wasn’t one of them, but many students would log into the meetings, and then just walk away from their computer/device. Less and less students got assignments turned in, and more students started to slack on work. I’m glad I was able to stay in a good working ethic, and never slack on my assignments. When I finally got back to in-person school, it took a bit of adjusting, but eventually I got used to the system again, and never regretted going back.



March 15th is when Black Mountain Students will be able to go back to school. Personally I am not. I will get into details later but for now, nope I am not returning to campus. Some students are like some of my friends are going back, and I don’t really know how to feel about it or not, but I’m okay with staying home.

I decided not to go back to school because, I don’t feel completely safe and I’m sure others don’t too. It will also be tough switching from virtual to in-person. Maybe next year everyone will come back to campus, but for now I know some are and some aren’t like me. Like I said I am unknowing if I am sad or happy about staying home, but I am fine with virtual so far.



Online harassment, or cyber bullying happens everywhere, and everyday. Its so much more easier to do it online, because you can hide your identity. In person its way different. I have seen people being harassed online, and its quite frequent. I normally see it on communication platforms, like discord, skype, or anything like that. Sometimes on online posts and or on videos. People normally are bullying or starting arguments online, or that’s what is most common.

When it happens its everywhere, and it happens pretty much everyday and its horrible. People think its ok because they can hide who they are and what they do. In real life you can see who they are what they look like and they wont want to start an argument because they are exposed to people in the real world and not online so cant hide their identity.

I have encountered other people being harassed online and by others who are most of the time anonymous or don’t share any personal information. They have no name and are just saying unkind stuff and lying most likely about themselves. Some of my friends are harassed online and its most of the time by anonymous people.

It normally happens on communication apps like discord, skype, and Facebook. It sometimes is on online posts and videos. They are normally mean comments toward people who are just giving information out. They most of the time start pointless arguments in comment sections, and mindlessly lie.



First of all its a pain getting up at least 20 minutes before 8:00am, (personally I wake up 30 minutes before) because you only have 20 minutes, or more, to, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, get dressed, and turn your computer or chrome book on. Once your are on most of the time you must have your video on and paying attention. Like come on we just woke up and you want us to learn? Hard pass. Also, pretty much every company starts after 8:00am so why wouldn’t school do that. Just let us sleep more, and even it out with 30 more minutes at the end of school. So basically just pushing the schedule up by 30 minutes into the day, not bad right? Also if you were to let us start at 8:30am then I would be ready to learn because, well more sleep, obviously. Overall, to summarize it up I would say: Middle school kids shouldn’t start school till 8:30am because, first we would have more time to sleep, second we have more time to get ready, and third we will be ready to learn because of more sleep.



First of all COVID not fun, school is online.. sort of fun because we are learning something new but still the virus is horrible and I hope we will figure this out together. Second the election is all over the place I don’t really have to worry about that or get into detail about it because I am just a kid, but its still crazy. I still enjoy just feeling safe in my house but I had to stop doing my soccer which wasn’t fun during COVID anyway. More about feeling safe I am curious what we are going to do for 2021, I want to know what we can do to handle this. I get why everybody is crazy right now, a global pandemic, new year, election, and part isolation, its overall just not fun. I’m just going to say that the new year didn’t get hyped up as much as others, and with the curfew you couldn’t go out so it was just a normal day for me.

Lets talk a bit more about COVID. So COVID 19 is a virus that has caused a pandemic which put the world in part isolation. COVID is also a disease, from a strand of the flu. Here is a video for more information on COVID.

This video should explain its origin and what it is. Like I said it put the world into a pandemic, which came with online school. With online school came confusion, and with confusion came chaos, well not really chaos. Its just, I feel like kids have been more stressed during the pandemic then ever. With online school and having to basically re-learn a school routine, its been tough. I am not that big of a fan but also it’s not super bad learning something new.

2021 has been a very plain year, because its the same as 2020 so far. Nothing changed, except changing the end zero on 2020 to a one. I feel like 2021 is going to be the exact same as 2020, for the most part. The pandemic is still the same, school might open up but the will probably most likely have to shut down again. At this rate 2021 is looking to be the same as 2020 and I don’t like thinking that but its most likely going to be the exact same thing. I am hoping not but I can only hope. Overall my opinion on the state of America in 2021 is unsure and confused. Nobody knows what’s going to happen and I don’t know if I want to know.

How to isolate yourself even more in the 2020/2021 lock down

If you want to be like this man, very isolated, then you can read all about isolation below.

How to isolate yourself even more in the 2020 lock down

So let me set your scene. Ok you in your house during the 2020 or 2021 lock down, and you still feel like your to exposed to.. people.. Well if your feeling like that first lets start with the basics O N L I N E. So if you have any games, they most likely have a offline or away function, but you can always just not play them :). If you still want to play your favorite games, well then you better hope they have a offline or away feature. If they do your in luck :), just select that and your good to go. You can play them while seeming offline to your friends or other.. people..

Ok next if you have a communication platform such as discord for example you could do many things to go “under the radar”. Simply get rid of your custom status, and if you don’t have one great, and then click on your profile in the bottom left and a drop down will show up. This drop down will show the, green online status, the Idle status, the do not disturb status, and finally the invisible status. Click the invisible feature, then you wont be shown online but you can still have full access to discord. And of course on your phone, iPad, android, or whatever you call on, you can just put your phone to auto voicemail or turn your ringer off and not accept calls.

Finally, you can make sure you have your doors locked 24/7, get your groceries delivered, where all black, and keep your windows shut. Ok well now let me explain why this was a very helpful source. First I walk you through how to do most of these things, second I give you ideas on what to do, and finally third, I have not false advertised or click baited because I actually talked about the title. Thank you. (Disclaimer: This was sort of a joke but if it helped then, cool.)